Events and dates...
Questions, questions
Our concept
Your advantages
Resources & Texts...
Our customers...
About us
Contact us...
Terms and conditions of use, disclaimer
Privacy policy
- Our main page, start your exploration here
- The latest about our activities
Mailing list
- Information about our newsletter mailing list
News archive
Events and dates...
- Our schedule of recent and upcoming events
University courses and workshops...
RWTH Aachen...
- Workshops for RWTH students of all faculties
Workshop dates
- Upcoming dates of our RWTH workshops
Workshop info, video, & flyer
- Information about the RWTH workshop, also includes a flyer to download
Workshop contents
- Outline of the RWTH workshop contents
Workshop FAQ
- Frequently asked questions and their answers about the RWTH workshops
Testimonials and feedback
- What students say about our workshops and seminars
A student's perspective
- One participant's personal view
Questions, questions
- What kind of questions can we help you answer?
Our concept
- The concepts behind our teaching and training
Your advantages
- How you benefit from the skills we teach you
- An outline of our services
Resources & Texts...
- Our collection of resources for you
Links to online articles
- Our commented links to interesting online articles
- A list of articles we have published in print media
partners - Italy & Canada
- partners - Italy & Canada
- Personal.Manager - HR International
BusinessForum China
- BusinessForum China
InfoGuide Germany
- InfoGuide Germany
Canadian German Trade Magazine
- Canadian German Trade Magazine
Miscellaneous articles...
- A variety of articles we have written
'The Language of Drama'
- The Language of Drama: When 'enough' is not enough
RWTH Aachen IC workshops intro article
- Intercultural Communication Workshops at the RWTH: Extending the Concept of Literacy
Article on IC and tourism
- I had the best of times, I had the worst of times
Article on IC and marketing
- Haven't you always wanted to win a body bag?
Checklists and tips
Country-specific articles...
- A collection of articles published in 2002 and 2003 in co-operation with iXPOS
Latin America
ExecutivePlanet.com (Germany)
- What we do in co-operation with ExecutivePlanet.com
Recommended reading...
- Our selection of books on the topics we teach
General / background
Country- / culture-specific
Practice / training
Suggested reading and bibliography
Our customers...
- A selection of our customers and partners
- Voices of our customers - what they say about our work
About us
- Information about the trainers
Contact us...
- How to reach us by phone, fax, email, and postal mail
Driving directions
- How to find us
- Reports in the press about our activities and interviews with us
Terms and conditions of use, disclaimer
- What you can and cannot do with the material published on this web site, disclaimer
Privacy policy
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