Testimonials and feedback of students
On their evaluation sheets and through their testimonials, the
participants of our various university courses and workshops not only
provide us with excellent feedback on technical competence, practical
application, and presentation style; most importantly, they also give
us their personal impression of the workshop.
I really enjoyed the workshop! I just signed up more out of curiousity
than real interest in the topic, but I can only recommend the workshop
to everybody!!! Learning about cultural communication for two days
opened my eyes not only for situations in the job but also for everyday
situations. Now it is clear to me why people from different cultural
backgrounds behave in such different ways. Looking back at my
experiences abroad the seminar made clear to me why there have be
misconceptions about different topics. I think when studying
International Business like I do it is even more important to understand
how missunderstandings between cultures can arise. The seminar is
definitely valuable to everybody and will enhance my interpersonal
skills! I think investing two days into a better understanding between
cultures is worth it!
Gesa Walter
Student - International Business Economics / BWL
Maastricht University (www.unimaas.nl) / RWTH Aachen University (www.rwth-aachen.de),
Maastricht / Aachen
January, 2008
I stepped into this particular workshop with my dusty student goggles
on: "Hmmm. Probably just another blah blah blah theory packed
workshop". How did i leave? With a CLEAR positive spectrum
(invisible to outsiders) to add.
Mrs. Alexia Petersen has a Professional presentation style and
organisation that one simply HAS to experience first hand. The
backbone of any speaker's talk is the ability to "Get the message
across" sovereignly. This is where Mrs. Petersen's experience REALLY
shows and her "leave no woman/man behind" attitude was a refreshing
change. A lot can be learned (e.g., Body language and rhetoric) by
just simply leaning back and observing her in her element.
"Bridging the cultural gap" is something we all NEED to at least be
aware of in this day and age of globalisation - where the human factor
is often ignored. Being willing and able to "shift", knowing how to
"read in between the lines" and "mutual face protection" are all key
to avoiding those awkward situations, that we have ALL faced at one
point or another. The practical excercises were a real TREAT and
helped to reinforce the theory.
An insider joke we all agreed upon at the end: We will never look at
any "onion", shape or form, the same way again. How true.
Abdallah Salim
Student - Computer Science, Psychology
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
June, 2007
I was living in Brazil when I found out about the RWTH workshop. It
took almost one year until I could attend it, and it was worthwhile
waiting that much. Living in several countries, it has been a long
time I have been fascinated about intercultural encounters, and
therefore I decided to study about them. However, it does not mean
that having different intercultural experiences that you are
automatically prepared for a constructive intercultural
communication. There is always something to learn, and you always get
impressed how complex intercultural communication can be. Trainings
like the RWTH forges us to give a break in our frenetic lives and
think, discuss, feel and live our communication skills with people
from different cultures. Not always we take this time. We take
communication for granted, and hardly think the miscommunications and
all their consequences in personal life and work, depend, actually,
much of us. This awareness and the developing of communication skills
is one of the basis that you can get from this workshop. And I mean
not just helping the communication for foreign students in an
university, but understanding the other, the difference in our daily
life. The role plays, cases and discussion in the workshop confront us
with conflicts which arise in intercultural communication. It is a
learning for life. And the best is, you learn it without studying; you
learn it in practice! We perceive we are not that prepared to deal
with differences, and how it affects our study, work, relationships. I
can just recommend such workshop for everyone, regardless of being
German or foreign, having an abroad experience or not. We should take
the time for this; improving intercultural communication skills is
becoming as important as the educational formation, as the course you
are studying. Actually, I think it should be a discipline for any
course. And the workshop will show you why!
Cristina Wulfhorst
Student - Psychology
University of Western Sydney,
Sydney, NSW, Australia (www.uws.edu.au)
April, 2007
I would like to thank you very much for offering this workshop. I
enjoyed it a lot and it has certainly opened my eyes in terms of
cultural differences. There is so much to learn and improve that I
will definitely continue working along the lines you showed us.
I particularly enjoyed the balance of theoretical basis and practical
approach during the workshop because it showed the difficulties of
practically being a good intercultural communicator and at the same
time helped putting the skills acquired into practice. I also
appreciated the contributions made by participants having a different
cultural background.
Diana Lutz
Student - English Linguistics, German Linguistics, Sociology
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
July, 2006
Venturing out of my country for the first time as a student, I came to
Germany with preconceived notions about the land, the people and the
culture. Based on my prior experiences in the United Kingdom, I was
sure that this experience would not be too different. However, to my
surprise, this country caught me off guard, a shock to say the
least. The directness, the so-called "unfriendliness", attitude
towards family and relationships was diametrically opposite to my
belief system. My notions, re-enforced by my fellow countrymen
(ill-informed as they were) became truths unto themselves. Add to that
an incomprehensible American boss. I could never truly understand what
it was, that he wanted from me, precise instructions were always found
wanting. Abstract, blunt critiques of my work seemed rather attacks on
my person and skills and "clearly" confrontational in
nature. Communication gaps notwithstanding, a rapport most required
for a good working relationship wasn't getting forged. I could not
understand, for instance, why it was that he did not ever enquire
about my family, or ever express interest in going out for a beer
together, or for that matter, tell me about his personal life. Strange
as it may sound, all of this, is quite normal in my culture.
Having heard about the workshop from a friend of mine, I was quite
eager to try and get first and foremost an answer to this enigma. In
retrospect, it did much more for me, and I strongly believe that, that
was one of my better decisions. The interactive multicultural
workshop, gave me the opportunity to see myself from across the
"divide". Alexia, through her excellent guidance and thought provoking
in-class sessions and exercises, brought forth the various decision
patterns that govern the behavior and thought processes in
people. Most of the time, I sat agape, as Alexia peeled the cultural
"onion", the patterns emerged, and the "enigma" stood de-mystified. A
year and a half on, I can see what changes this workshop has brought
in me and in my life here in Germany. The ill-conceived notions have
been swept away and I have come to appreciate the German work ethic
and culture from a uniquely different standpoint. I formed a strong
working relationship with my erstwhile "incomprehensible" boss,
finally comprehending his craving for terseness.
The workshop changed me as a person, for seeing oneself across from
another point of view, can be a rather enriching experience and at the
same time, can lead to revelations about ones own self. In
understanding others of a different mindset and culture, I began to
understand my own self. Thank you, Alexia and Stephan!
Tim Sodhi
Student - M.S. Software Systems
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
November, 2005
Es liegt mir am Herzen Ihnen auf diesem Wege nochmals für den einmaligen
und inspirierenden Vortrag gestern Abend in der Simon Fraser University zu
danken, insbesondere für das eingehende Gespraech mit Ihnen im Anschluss
daran. Ich nehme von diesem Abend viele Reflektionen, neue Ideen und
Inspirationen mit was meine eigene berufliche Zukunftsplanung und einen
'Rückzug nach Deutschland' angeht. Es ist wunderbar und 'encouraging' mit
Menschen zusammenzutreffen, die eine Leidenschaft für interkulturelle
Kommunikation und Sprachen mit einem teilen und sich diese, wie Sie,
zum Beruf(ung) gemacht haben!
Christine Haid
Student - B.A. Communications
Simon Fraser University,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada (www.sfu.ca)
September, 2005
Zwei Dinge waren herausragend am Intercultural Communication Seminar:
1. Seit meiner Diplomarbeit kenne ich die meisten Kulturdimensionen aus
der Theorie. Doch erst durch das Seminar sind mir ihre Auswirkungen auf
das Verhalten Einzelner oder auf interkulturelle Situationen deutlich
geworden. Alexia zeigt sehr plastisch die für die Praxis relevanten
Konsequenzen unterschiedlicher Kulturausprägungen auf.
2. Die Rollenspiele und das detaillierte Besprechen von Verhaltensweisen
halfen mir auch mein eigenes Verhalten besser zu verstehen. Als jemand
der multi-kulturell aufgewachsen ist, kann ich plötzlich
interkulturelle Situationen aus der Familie besser nachvollziehen und
habe auch in dieser Hinsicht von dem Seminar profitiert.
Dafür möchte ich mich bei Alexia und Stephan Petersen bedanken. Ich
wünsch Euch weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg bei Eurer Arbeit und freu
mich auf ein Anschluss-Seminar!
Preethy Pappachan
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
June, 2005
It is all about the 'seminar on intercultural communication' which overnight
changed my thinking and decision making patterns about the people from
different cultures and I must admit that I am far better in making good
relations with people from different cultures. I had few understanding
problems with my colleagues and supervisor but now I have very nice working
relationships with them because now I know the bigger picture and hidden
cultural logics.
Alexia, a wonderful instructor, an amazing practitioner with a pleasant
personality is the most appropriate person for holding such inter-cultural
communication workshops. She has a capability to get the maximum out of you
and you start enjoying the learning. It is learning by doing, learning by
participating and learning by communicating.
The seminar is organized in a wonderful way, well structured, right mixture
of theory and practical examples, balanced dose of humor and Alexia is very
nicely assisted by Stephan who is a very nice add-in to the whole process of
learning. He jumps in the conversation at the very right time and hand it
over back to Alexia in a smooth transition. What an amazing couple, they are
like an institution!
These were the two most productive days of my life because these 2 days gave
me those silver bullets which are working and will work in future as a
survival tool while living in any culture, meeting with any person from Japan
to Switzerland.
I traveled 6 hours for attending each 2 hours night session and it was always
worth 6 hours travel. Everything was awesome and full of excitement in the
whole seminar.
I have been teaching in Pakistan before coming to Germany. This seminar not
only taught me the bits and bytes about intercultural communication but I
also learned a lot from Alexia about the good teaching method and how to teach
in a 'Student Centered Way'.
Hey I forgot to mention one thing, the coffee was amazing and I wish I could
eat the fruit on the last night ;)
I would love to attend anything taught be Alexia and Stephan in future.
Thanks a lot Alexia and Stephan for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to
learn about the most important things which I might not be able to learn for
Suleman Shahid
Student - M.S. Computer Science
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
June, 2005
First I was just curious to have a look at the IC workshop but during the
seminar a deeper interest awakened not only due to the topic but due to the
dedicated and competent guidance through the whole course. Humorous and
always open for questions and comments it never got dry. Case studies,
roleplays and thought experiments led to an exciting way to directly
approach different cultures easily. For me it was a completly new experience
and has opened the door to the understanding of the different behaviour of
foreign people. Now that I know how to deal with their cultural background
and core values it will not prevent me but help me decreasing the cultural
shock abroad.
Nice and interesting for people who are travelling or want to learn more
about their foreign neighbours.
Indispensable and strongly recommended for business people and companies
acting all over the world.
Alexia and Stephan, keep on doing this nice job.
Andreas Schulze
Student - Physik, Philosophie, Psychologie
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
June, 2005
For me, the seminar was nothing short of an intensely intriguing and
stimulating learning experience. There was so much that I got to learn
that I didn't know. And that uniqueness of unknown is its
quintessence. Full credit to Ms. Alexia, she created a very conducive
and congenial environment, inspiring analysis and sparking
creativity. I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar series. It brought out
various areas where I need to improve myself. And, after the end of
the series, certain behaviour patterns now seem quite conspicuous and
comprehensible, which prior to the seminar were almost obscured and
Siddharth Vikal
Student - M.S. Biomedical Engineering
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
June, 2005
The Seminar on intercultural communication provided me with the
fundamental tools of communication - primarily on intercultural as
well as on interpersonal communication.
It shows clearly that speaking technically perfect English does not
make you an exceptionally gifted communicator. During my university
education, communication and behavioural patterns were often
underestimated. That is why it is a must-do seminar at the RWTH Aachen
Alexia has a very professional style of teaching. The seminar is
well-structured, providing you with the theoretical backgrounds and
practical examples taking from daily business life. I learned a whole
new vocabulary in ways of communication and approaching different
cultures. As I am going to work in Japan soon, these communication
tools give me a certainty and surely will be a key to Japanese
Sandra Leythäuser
Studentin - Architektur (Architecture)
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
June, 2005
Most of the time I am on the move, from country to country and I interact with
different cultures a lot. I also work in pretty much a multicultural
environment. But even then, I never knew what intercultural communication is
about. What is its importance in one's life? How can one use it effectively?
Everything got clear after attending this miracle workshop. More surprisingly,
I am normally not interested in such workshops, but this time I thought to
give it a try and now I am glad that it was one of the best decisions I have
ever taken up to now.
This workshop has changed the way I look at other cultures. Now I know how and
why other cultures act the way they do and I can communicate much more
confidently and effectively with my colleagues and friends from different
countries, cultures and backgrounds.
I am specially thankful to Stephen and Alexia, you guys are great! The
presentation style, the course contents and the organization of the
workshop... everything was just perfect.
I will for sure attend future workshops, if I get a chance. Vielen Dank!
Mian M. Junaid Tariq
M.S. Research Student - Software Systems Engineering
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
March, 2005
Thanks again for the opportunity of attending the seminar, it was very
fruitful indeed, it clarified many things about the behavior of people
from different cultures leading to better understanding of our
differences, at the same time it helped me to learn some aspects about
myself a bit better. Your seminar can change peoples' realities, if
listened to with the right ears.
Freddy Vargas
Avans University,
The Netherlands (www.avans.nl)
March, 2005
Mit Ihrem Wissensinput im Gepäck bin ich mittlerweile durch
Süd-Ost-Asien gereist und habe in Argentinien ein Praktikum
gemacht. Auf beiden Reisen haben die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse mir oft
geholfen und statt (wie früher) in manchen Situationen wütend zu
werden, musste ich eher grinsen oder lachen! Sowie ich früher anderen
empfohlen habe sich keinesfalls ohne Lonely Planet auf große Reise zu
machen, würde ich heute eher ein Seminar bei Alexia und Stephan
Petersen als unverzichtbar empfehlen!
Eva Schneiter
RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen (www.rwth-aachen.de)
October, 2004
Zuallererst möchte ich mich bei Alexia und Stephan Petersen für ein
sehr professionelles und lehrreiches Intercultural Communication
Seminar bedanken.
Aufgrund meiner Diplomarbeit hatte ich mich schon sehr intensiv mit
dem Thema Kultur bezüglich internationaler wirtschaftlicher
Zusammenarbeit auseinander gesetzt. Viele Theorien und Ansatzpunkte
aus der Anthropologie und Ethnologie sowie die Studien von Hofstede,
Trompenaars, Hall u.a. sind mir allgegenwärtig.
Begriffe wie: High-Low Context Communication, Self-Conception,
Hierarchy, Uncertainty Avoidance, etc. werden in vielen Büchern
beschrieben. Demnach hatte ich zu Beginn des Seminars einen gewissen
theoretischen Hintergrund und konnte die Begrifflichkeiten zuordnen.
Was aber, wenn man Definitionen und Theorien kennt, jedoch nicht weiß,
wie sie tatsächlich in ihrer Kultur gelebt werden und in der Praxis
umgesetzt werden?
Genau dies habe ich in dem Seminar der Petersens gelernt. Ich hatte
unglaublich viele "AHA-Effekte"! Jetzt kann ich mir unter
High-Low Context Communication genau etwas vorstellen, da wir immer
wieder in Fallstudien diese Art der Kommunikation geübt haben. Dies
ist nur eins von vielen Beispielen!
Durch dieses Seminar habe ich also gelernt, was sich praktisch hinter
Kultur beschreibenden Theorien, Begriffen und Verhaltensmustern
verbirgt und wie sie im Alltag in den entsprechenden Kulturen gelebt
und umgesetzt werden. Außerdem ist mir bewusst geworden, dass eine
Kultur nur über deren weniger sichtbare basale Werte und Normen zu
verstehen ist.
Für diese Erkenntnisse möchte ich mich noch einmal ganz herzlich bei
Alexia und Stephan Petersen bedanke und würde mich sehr freuen, an
einem weiteren Seminar teilnehmen zu dürfen.
Mirjam Martin
Fachhochschule Aachen (Aachen University of Applied Sciences),
Aachen (www.fh-aachen.de)
June, 2004
Feedback on the workshop contents:
Very well done!
I got much more than I had expected
Very well structured
Very good and easy to understand and practice
The eclectic mix of participants was very helpful for the
various scenarios.
At no time I felt bored; breaks were at the right
time. The trainers knew how to get more information/comments out of
the participants. Questions were answered by trainers but also drawing
on the experience of the participants.
Time was passing by quickly.
I found the seminar interesting at all times, the amount
of time dedicated to each topic was just right.
I think it will help to understand other cultures and
their behaviours and way of thinking. The case studies helped to see
it in a practical way, not only theoretical.
Lots of fun
Feedback on the workshop trainers:
I never attended such a lively seminar! The trainers
could not have been better, since experience and a great presentation
complemented each other.
This is one of the best seminars I ever visited! Your
way of presenting facts is very motivating.
It was the first time that I have participated in a
seminar and didn't notice how time went by (very
Very nice & friendly, "approachable" due to all kinds of personal
examples and experiences.
They create a very friendly and open atmosphere. Their own
experience in this field contributes a lot and also gives them
Great! The topics were perfectly linked and the discussion
was always well moderated.
Good non-verbal skills.
Good body language!
Ausstrahlung + Hilfsbereitschaft + soziale Kompetenz + fachliche
Kompetenz = sehr gut
easy to understand
great charisma
very experienced
Aktives Zuhören
Keine Allgemeinplätze
Keine Trennung zwischen Theorie und Praxis oder praktischen
Beispielen, daher nie langweilig, man sah immer einen Nutzen
Ihr ergänzt Euch gut
Ihr tretet selbstsicher auf, ohne arrogant zu wirken
good to follow
understanding was even better after getting to know examples & case
I liked the large number of interesting examples and the
combination of two trainers.
Well planned and careful to include everybody's
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